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Campbell House School

Campbell House School

Building Positive Relationships In A Learning Community

Telephone02 9827 6150

Principal's Message

Principal's Message

Campbell House School is a school for specific purposes that supports the learning and welfare needs of sixty-three students years seven to twelve. The school is situated in Glenfield and services students from areas of Southwest Sydney, students are often from low socio-economic backgrounds, 32% of our student population are Indigenous and 16% are Out of Home Care. 

Campbell House staff are committed to providing a quality education for all students and provide an inclusive learning and teaching environment for students who have emotional and behavioural disorders with normal cognitive ability.

Our core business is to improve the academic, social, vocational and behavioural outcomes with a focus on wellbeing for all students. The aim is to bridge gaps in literacy and numeracy, supporting the mental health needs of our school community and building pathways to further education, employment, or transition to post school options. All students are presented with opportunities to achieve their High School Certificate or Record of School Achievement.

At Campbell House we value the identity, culture, heritage and languages of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and their families. Staff connect with Aboriginal students and their families to build and strengthen relationships to ensure we support students in achieving their aspirational and attainment goals.

The Campbell House School motto is: Building Positive Relationships in a Learning Community and this forms the basis on which all learning programs are created. Students attending Campbell House School have experienced significant disruption to their schooling as a result of their diagnosed disabilities, as such the school adopts trauma informed and restorative practices to support all learning.

Wellbeing practices are embedded throughout all aspects of the school curriculum, this can be seen in the delivery of positive education, character strengths development, trauma informed education practices, and restorative practice. Wellbeing is fundamental to our staff and wider school community where we focus on the continuance of positive emotions, engaging relationships and effective communication. Our vision is to be recognise as a lighthouse setting for quality trauma informed positive education practices.

Campbell House School strives for continuous growth aligned to our current strategic directions:

Student Growth and Attainment: A student focused approach where individual learning goals will be determined and revised to ensure a continuum of growth as per Personalised Learning and Support Plans with the provision of opportunities for student to develop strong foundations in literacy and numeracy.

Wellbeing framework and practices: The school supports all students to flourish and thrive in all aspects of their lives. To ensure all students can connect, succeed, thrive and learn, there is a planned approach to developing whole school wellbeing processes that support high levels of wellbeing and engagement.

Quality Classroom Practices: The school is committed to increasing staff capacity to maximise learning outcomes through the provision of quality teaching programs and learning opportunities.

Campbell House School staff are committed to building positive relationships in a learning community.

Relieving Principal, Kendell Neighbour

September 2023