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Campbell House School

Campbell House School

Building Positive Relationships In A Learning Community

Telephone02 9827 6150

SSO Mark Hankin

The primary role of the Student Support Officer (SSO) at Campbell House is to work in partnership with learning and support teams to enhance student social and emotional wellbeing, strengthen learning outcomes, and to increase the connections that students have to support networks both within the school and wider community. Through the Triple R+ program the SSO delivers individualised and whole-school programs both whole-school that enhance connection, support, and outcomes. 

Our SSO Mark’s main role includes: 

  • Strengthening and building student resilience, wellbeing, and personal growth through whole school and individual programs including anger management, hygiene, drug and alcohol education, social skills, and life skills programs. 
  • Building, enhancing and maintaining positive relationships with the whole school community. 
  • Advocating for student and their families. 
  • Being an active member in case conference, resolution meetings, emergency response to create and implement support plans. 
  • Professional development of self and others in understanding the development of the brain and other targeted areas. 
  • Supporting wellbeing initiatives and celebration days including positive education, anti-bullying, Harmony Day, R U Ok? Day, and White Ribbon. 
  • In class support for complex students to support access, engagement, and growth. 
  • Linking students and families with external agencies for extended support. 
  • Complete mandatory reports as required. 
  • Support students transition with links to post school options. 

Mark is available to be contacted between the hours of 8am-3.30pm. He can be reached on the school number 9827 6150 or the school SSO mobile 0438 597 874. All communications is recorded and any child protection concerns are reported as per DoE policies. 

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